Forty plus Starved Rock Walkers (+2 dogs) took the East Bluff Trail out to the Sandstone Point stairs and came back along the River Trail. Last weekend was Fall Colors Weekend at SRSP, but the colors are peaking this weekend. A fine Fall day for a walk in the Park!
There are 40+ "Art in the Park" chainsaw carvings on the Lodge grounds.This has always been my favorite.
An autumn view up French Creek from the trail bridge.
SR Walkers passing through upper Wildcat Canyon.
An autumn view of the west rim overlook above Wildcat Canyon.
A rare glimpse of the east wall of Basswood Canyon.
The Park removed the Basswood Canyon trail sign. There was just no good way to keep the "B" in Basswood on this sign!
Trail carpeting in being laid down and the "green tunnel" over the trail
is turning gold.
A refreshing pause atop Sandstone Point.
A downriver view of the bluff from Sandstone Point.
There's gold in Lone Tree Canyon!
The icebox in "witches kitchen" is an older model from Bedrock, Iowa.
A River Trail view of the stuff that makes up Sandstone Point.
There is no McDonald's in the Park, but you may see a "golden arch" along the River Trail.
Almost every SR Walker overlooks the Beehive.
"Been there, done that!"
The River Trail bridge across Pontiac Creek.
The spider-like blossoms of witch hazel.
A River Trail sighting of the Eagle Cliff platform.
A view of Autumn arriving onto the South Bluff from the Eagle Cliff platform.
This white oak leaf is obviously wearing its Halloween costume!
So many acorns, so little time!
Autumn is falling onto the "Hungry Butte". Don't miss it!
beautiful photos