Saturday, April 27, 2019

04-25-2019 LaSalle Canyon

Fifty SR Walkers took the long walk to LaSalle Canyon and back on a sunny Spring morning. Even the water snakes were out catching some rays!
Note: the bluebells carpet in Illinois Canyon is staring its annual appearance. It will last about two weeks.

SR Walkers enjoying a sunny and dry East Bluff trail.
A patch of prairie trillium (bloody noses) soak up some sunlight before they are covered by the emerging bluebells.

The state flower is now blooming everywhere in Illinois!

Yellow bellwort is peaking in the Park and won't be here much longer.
Squirrel corn looks like a white bleeding heart and squirrels do not eat it.

That is the Club's official tail in front of the LaSalle Canyon waterfall. Don is the reason that no Walker has ever been left behind.

Fiddlehead ferns are breaking out of the duff.
They gradually unroll.

When leaves appear at the heads they are no longer eatable.
False rue anemone has replaced hepatica and bloodroot. 

The year's first sighting of brown watersnakes warming on the river rip-rap.
Nothing to see here! Move along now!

Just another piece of driftwood.

Dutchman's breeches are also peaking in the Park.

The twin heart-shaped wild ginger leaves have popped through the duff.

Jack in the pulpit appears before it's leaves unfurl.

Here the roof off the pulpit is folded back for a clear view of Jack.
Shooting stars are preparing or launch above French Canyon.
 I will leave you with this: " A fine landscape is like a piece of music; it must be taken at the right tempo. Even a bicycle goes too fast."

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