Thursday, May 16, 2019

Nearly fifty SR Walkers drove to the Hennepin Canyon Parking lot and walked the surprisingly muddy East Bluff Trail to Owl Canyon and back. We beat the rain! 
Get up! Go Outside!

 The small army of Walkers leaving the parking lot.
 Mayapples are blooming under the plant's umbrellas and below your knees.
 Prairie trillium are finishing and blue phlox is peaking.
 Doll's eyes are beginning to blossom. 
 The trails will soon be completely shaded by the emerging leaf canopy.
 Pussy toes, nearly the smallest Spring wildflower, is setting seeds.
 A walking pause for talking at the Hennepin Canyon overlook.
 Wild geraniums are blooming everywhere along the trail.
 Summer is starting to peek out from under the Rt. 71 bridge over upper Hennepin Canyon.
 Sure hope this spider is vegan since all this web on the Hennepin Canyon trail bridge has captured is flower petals!
 Hidden Canyon is rapidly disappearing behind its leaf cover.
 Shiny new poison ivy is appearing on knee to chest high wooden stems.
 Leaves of three, let it be!
 SR Walkers crossing upper Owl Creek.
 Watching Owl Creek disappear into Owl Canyon.
 Yellow star grass along the East Bluff Trail.
 The largest blue phlox bouquet seen trailside today.
 We discovered a field of wood betony (louse wort) above the east wall of Hennepin Canyon.
As our walk finished, this first year jack in the pulpit in Marseilles was being hit by hail stones.

Let's end with this quote from Thomas Jefferson

"Of all exercises walking is the best."